Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Guest of The Cactus and Reed Show starring Lindsay Lohan

The Whole Group of Guests as of 7/12/2006

Doug walking out of 787 - first use of 3D effects

Paulie Walnuts hair - first creative stand usage

Dan's Band - $Tina and the Pussycat Dolls 34th Street Drum Machine Orchestra

Gumby - old guests new stand

Roger Federer

Jack Black in Nacho Libre

Lee partying in New Orleans

Flipside Johnny Depp
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The creation of My "BLING BLING" Hair
So before my brother's wedding on July 21st I decided that I need to get my hair highlighted - you know to look HOTT for the wedding. Being fairly new to NYC, I have not gotten a highlight here yet, so I asked a few co-workers where they went.
One of my co-workers has similar hair coloring to mine so I took her suggestion. Her hair being alot shorter than mine I knew my color would probably cost a little bit more than what hers normally is, but I didnt think it would be out of this world.
I scheduled my appt, went in to the salon, got my hair highlighted and decided I needed a cut too - well I knew how much the cuts were there - so I knew what I was getting into with that. HOWEVER - I did not realize how much the highlight would be...and OMG, OMG - it was astronomical - many people asked me if the highlights had gold flakes in them at that price. Lets just say that my highlights + my cut was over what half a month's rent was for me. When the lady gave me the total I almost died - seriously I think I had a minor heart attack. I definitely could NOT breathe!!
anyways - i love it - one of the best colors I have ever had and get compliment after compliment but lets just say I am probably NOT going back there again unless I save some big bucks or have another life event coming up! Therefore - the Creation of my BLING BLING Hair!

this is not actually the pic from that day - carolyn and i took pics of my BLING BLING hair that day - but I cannot find them...
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I wear my Sunglasses at...
the Office. (nope not at nite...ok that is a lie...I tend to wear them at nite sometimes too...)
BUT, today I forgot my real sunglasses are prescription so I tend to forget that I have them on and bring my other pairs with me...
so I am sitting at my desk wearing my shades...yep yep.
Currently listening: Sunglasses at Night
By Corey Hart
Sometimes Life if so Good but yet so Empty....
Laying in central park earlier today by myself...a realization smacked me right in the face...sometimes life can be so good. For me right now, it is excellent, i live in one of the greatest cities in the world, i have a good job, i make decent money, i get to do amazing things all the time, i have good friends, a city full of millions of people and millions of things to do...
BUT I realized there are 3 people that have been a huge part of my life the last 5 years and I miss them like crazy... there is definitely a void in my life without them.
And if there were 10,000 people out at a festival drinking free beer - and one of them called and said lets go - I know we would be in the car in 10 seconds flat.
Mary, Linda, Kiki - I miss you ladies....miss you lots, you three are my soulmates. Can't wait to see you in October.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Misery loves Company, so why not create more misery....
and then I can have some company...
My mood right now...not likeable. I would say almost miserable. Its saturday nite...I had to work at the Depot (only a week left, woo hoo!) I really wanted to go out...but I didnt. Shit happens and then you decide to come home, sit on the stoop and have a beer by yourself. Wallowing in your misery, wishing for some company. However...the company I want i can't have....I thought that creating more misery for myself would open the doors to new company, RIGHT - well not yet at least.
this too shall soon pass.....
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Untying of the Orange Apron Strings

After a Year of working at the Home Depot, it is now time to untie the Apron Strings - to let go of what has been my support system in more ways the one for a year now.
On Saturday I will put in my 2 weeks notice, however my unofficial last day will be July 15th. It is a Bittersweet feeling - mixed emotions. Now that I am working fulltime as an attorney - anywhere from 50-70 hours a week - there is no time in my life for the Depot. The Depot provided me with income, the means to make the move to NYC, many many many good friends - family almost.
I spent many of hours in my orange apron this past year and a week from Saturday I will never tie that Orange Apron around me again. In many many ways it is like a weight is lifting off my shoulders and I can not wait to be done with that job.
But in some ways - going there at nite keeps me on my feet and for some odd reason is kind of nice after sitting at my desk all day. The friends that I made up at the Massachusetts Home Depot - I have already had to say goodbye to when I moved here - but leaving Home Depot completely makes it feel like I am saying goodbye to them all over again. Also - even though I doubted it severely when I first moved here and started at the Manhattan HD - I have made some friends there too. I know that we will remain friends, the few I have made there, because they are good people and have become a big part of my NYC life.
It is hard to say goodbye to something that has been a big part of my life - I think my first full time job ever....hahahaha.
BUT it is time, time to be just an Attorney, time to have some freedom/free time, time to take my evenings back -

Good-BYE to the HD and I will miss working with my friends that I have Made know who you are and you also know you will stay in my life.

Dee Brown (MY MAN) and the Utah Jazz's ALL-ILLINI BackCourt...

Per SportsCenter --> the anchor said:"Utah will look to add some depth to their ALL-ILLINI Backcourt"
The 2006 NBA Draft was held last week - My main man Dee Brown was taken 45th by the Utah Jazz. Initially I was not happy, I was like come on people - Dee is better than Shannon Brown and even his own former teammate Augustine but yet he was taken way after them. Then After I thought about it - I realized this is a good thing - Dee and Deron Will Be Back on the Court together again. I MAY ACTUALLY start to like NBA BALL. I hate to watch the NBA - hate it - But if Dee and Deron play together like they did at Illinois - I MAY be GLUED to the TV. All we need is a trade for Luther Head and Auggie and Utah would almost have the Illini team of 2005 that went to the National Championships. THAT WOULD BE AMAZING TO see them all back on the Court together. I hate to see Auggie split up from the group.
I am estactic about Dee and Deron playing Ball together again - I can't wait to watch this upcoming NBA Season and there may be a New UTAH JAZZ fan out there now. I will miss Dee in the ILLINI ORANGE - but life must continue to move on and he gave us ILLINI 4 great years! Hopefully, the Illini will be able to rebuild their team and be back on Top again soon!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Friday nite I was sitting here at work...working late, only a few other guys here in the office.
One of the guys came up to me and said "You know how today was the last day for all those paralegals that worked here?"
I said "No not really but ok?"
He said "look at one of them gave me when she left."
He hands me a small folded up square of yellow legal pad paper. I open it up and there is a note - just like in Junior High - how freakin sweet......blek!
Note reads:
" Today is my last day here. Perhaps we can meet up in the near Future.
Seriously - STAY YUMMY! - who over the age of 16 writes that????
And in the professional world. I mean we are lawyers and she is a paralegal - how is that right?
BUT I just checked in with the guy and as of now - 5 days later - he is "Keepin Yummy." I mean it would suck to lose your "Yummy Factor."
What do you think that Yummy Factor is scaled on? Do you think it is easy to lose??? For my co-worker's sake, I hope that he keeps on keepin and he STAYS YUMMY for a long time.
P.S. the note is hanging on my cubicle wall and Please remember to STAY YUMMY!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Current mood: nostalgic
Category: Sports
"Eamus Catuli" - emblazoned upon a Sheffield Avenue apartment building behind the right-field wall of Wrigley are these words - Latin for - "Let's Go CUBS!"
Right now Iam reading "Cubs Essential: Everything you Need to Know to be a Real Fan!" My daddy mailed this book to me, with an inscription from him saying "To my Favorite Cub Fan, Karin Rose. From Your Cardinal Fan Dad."
See being born in Illinois and having all my family members basically born and bred therethe Page/Warner Clan has some very strong and close ties to Illinois Sports teams. The Warnerfamily -Cubs Fans. The Pagefamily - Cardinals Fans. Talk about family controversy. For some reason, WHICH I THANK GOD EVERYDAY, my Dad was never able to taint me with his Cardinal ways and from the day I entered this earth I have been a Cubbie, die hard and true. My poor brother has those evil Cardinal tenticles grab him and he is a lost cause....
Only benefits my brother got...going to see the Cardinals play in St. Louis and getting to see his favorite player Ozzie Smith play. Me on the otherhand, my dad would torture me and only take me to see the Cubs IF and ONLY IF they were playing the Cardinals in St. Louis. Finally in my 20s, he took me to see a Cubs game in Wrigley Field - by that time I had been several times on my own. AND OF COURSE - I NEVER got to see my favorite player play - Ryno. NOPE NEVER. TORTURE and PUNISHMENT for not being a Cardinal fan...someday I will get over it...MAYBE!
I grew up on the Cubs - Ryne Sandberg, Andre Dawson, and Mark Grace - were a few of the very IMPORTANT MEN in my childhood (besides my daddy, grandpas, and my bro). These Men's faces Graced my baseball cards...I think I had every Ryne Sandberg card out there (where they are now, I have no clue) - he was my first real crush. mmmmmmm. Now my current Cubbie crush - Mark Prior - who wouldnt love him!
It seems that my sports teams are doomed to heartache - continuous heartache for their fans. The Cubbies such a great team to LOVE and WATCH over the years, such a rich historty, a wonderful Ball Park to kick back in the sun, have a beer and a hot other place I would want to watch a game. But always, always, always, they break my heart. They always do....HOWEVER...I will always be a Cubbie. Never will I turn my back on my Team and My Love for Them and Their rich history. They may not be good this year or last year or probably even next year, but they are the Cubs. I was born with Cubbie blood running through my veins...
Eamus Catuli!
Currently reading:
Cubs Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Real Fan
By Lew Freedman
Release date: By 30 March, 2006
I have reached the PINNACLE of MY LIFE - I am Michael Jordan...

I have reached the PINNACLE of MY LIFE - I am Michael Jordan...
and there is NO reason to STRIVE FOR MORE! or so I was told by a co-worker.
"You are the Michael Jordan of cutting out Pictures/objects and taping them to Garbage. You have reached the Pinnacle of your life and there is no reason to strive for more." - Steve Narow, present co-worker all started way back in the other office...which I am still hazy on that aspect of the story. But Steve and another co-worker Peter started this fake Talk Show to entertain themselves during dull moments.... the moment in time I found out about this faux Talk Show was a few weeks ago when Carolyn had a cut out of a soccer player propped up on her desk and I was like what is that?? She said well Steve and Peter asked me to book a guest for their show - The New Cactus and Reed Show with Lindsay Lohan - I said huh???? Carolyn said, well they have this fake talk show and Dan usually books their guests but he is out on Tour with his Band for a few weeks, so they needed a stand in booker for their show and they asked me. Michele and I decided that Carolyn had officially gone nuts and we decided not to indulge this madness. But Carolyn kept on booking guests for their show...(if I can I will try to get a picture of these guests and post it with the bulletin).
Anyways...leading up to the PINNACLE of my life....Carolyn was having a hard time finding a guest the other day and I pointed out a picture of Johnny Depp in an article about the new Pirates movie - he is in costume in this great chair with pointy things sticking out and skulls... (supposedly Steve and Peter like guests that Come with their own chair). She said well if you can cut it out I will take it. So I whipped out my scissors and demonstrated what are now called "my madd cuttin skillz." Johnny Depp turned out to be Reversible because he is also on the back of the chair picture...which was an extra added bonus to Steve and Peter. They were very impressed with my "SKILLZ" and I told them only on special occassion would I pull them out - emergency purposes.
Well yesterday - emergency purposes arose - Carolyn had to leave early and they wanted Paulie's Hair (just his hair) from Sopranos booked for the show. So I used my "SKILLZ" and cut his hair out. Now see they like their guests to be on some sort of I had to find a stand for the Hair. And I found a paper clip and rigged up a stand. Which you can pick the hair up and put it on other guests that are sitting over at Peter and Steve's desks - ingenious I must say.
So this morning - Steve so politely kicks the back of my chair and tells Me the above quote. Therefore, I have done it I have mastered the unmastered - I am done...peace out.
For Reference: The New Cactus and Reed Show with Lindsay Lohan - Guest List
Tuesday 6/20/2006- Keira Knightly
Wednesday 6/21/2006 - Eve
Thursday 6/22/2006 -Tom Petty
Friday 6/23/2006 - Gumby
Monday 6/26/2006 - Kate Hudson
Tuesday 6/27/2006 - Reversable Johnny Depp
Wednesday 6/28/2006 - ??
Thursday 6/29/2006 - Paulie Walnuts Hair
Tuesday 6/13/2006 - Jeremy Piven
Wednesday 6/14/2006 - Paul McCartney Marker
Thursday 6/15/2006 - Kirsten Dunst
Friday 6/16/2006- Ronaldinho
Monday 6/19/2006 - Jodie Foster Starbucks Cup, The Head of the Goddamn Mayor (Bloomberg)
Tuesday 6/20/2006 - TBA
Steve narow wrote:
Re: FW: Re: The New Cactus and Reed Show with Lindsay Lohan - Guest List
Thanks. And we were all quite impressed with your skilz here in the cube. Also I will make sure you are on the guest mailing list in the future.
On 6/27/06, Karin Page wrote:
I missed you on my first email....about my MADD CUTTIN SKILLLZZZZ....didnt want you to feel left out.
Jenn wrote:
I witnessed those MAD Cutting Skilz and must agree... they are MAD! :)
Subject: Re: The New Cactus and Reed Show with Lindsay Lohan - Guest List Peter wrote:
This is a tough business, kid. You've gotta toot your own horn, 'cause nobody's gonna do it for you.
On 6/27/06, Karin Page wrote:
I heard a rumor that whoever cut out the Reversible Johnny Depp has MAD CUTTING SKILLS! Thank you, thank you! Glad I could top your list of Stars. Never will I agent out my skills again!
Currently reading:
Driven from Within
By Michael Jordan
Release date: By 24 October, 2005