Bring it Mr. Met!
After a long stressful day on Wednesday, Steve-o and I were to head out to the Cubs v. Mets game - BUT the dark clouds rolled in bringing loud thunder and lots of rain. At 5:50 or so Steve and I went outside the office to check the weather and it was barely raining, so we decided to head out to the game. Once we got out to Shea Stadium it was pouring down rain again. So the troopers that we are, we got food and beer and sat in our seats under an overhang - waiting for the game to start for THREE AND A HALF HOURS!!! We had a lot of fun TARP watching! The tarp even got removed around 8:45 for a small tease but it was place back on as another round of the rain came thru.

Finally the game started at 10:15 - but the Cubs did not show up, because they played like CRAP.
However, during our drinking and waiting time Mr. Met made an appearance in our section. Steve was like go get your picture taken w/ him. So I ran down towards him and He had his arms open welcoming me UNTIL he saw my CUBBIES Sweatshirt! Then he closed his arms and turned away from me!!! I wrapped my arms around him and tackled him, he fought and fought to get away from me. Finally I let him go and then he pretended to box w/ me and then finally he pulled out the infamous Karate Kid move and Of COURSE I gave it right back to him. Can you believe Mr. Met ran away from me????? Well, I got him and kicked his ass!!

We were also right by the bullpen, so that was pretty cool. I got to stand there and watch them in the bullpen warming up and I actually heard the phone ring when the call was made to put in a relief pitcher.

Thanks Steve-O had tons of fun and of course great memories of fighting Mr. Met!!!
Yesterday J and I went to the afternoon game. It was an amazing day, perfect day - except the Cubs lost. In the bottom of the 9th inning we were up 5-1 and they blew it and lost 5-6. It was insane. But anyways the rest of the day was amazing - perfect. Starting w/ dunkin donuts coffee and ending w/ some cheezits mix - and you know all the rest in between. thanks for being so awesome!!!!!

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