Who am I? and How the hell did I get here...

"She who dies with the MOST SHOES WINS"

Friday, April 28, 2006

Karin in the CIty .6

Karin in the CIty .6
Current mood: indescribable

Well, I finally started workin as a Lawyer, after a little bit of a delay. I was supposed to start a week ago, but I started yesterday. It is not too bad so far, the case I am working on is interesting at least. People are nice, pay is good, hours a flexible...good stuff.

Except for the fact that I have been staring at a computer screen since 8:00am and it is now 4:20...oooo...good time. My eyes havent hurt like this since I was in my internship in the Netherlands staring at the computer screen all day. I guess this is going to be my life for awhile. In a room with no windows, horrible lighting, lines of tables with computers - it is like a lawyer factory. Some people have plants, even fish in the little area. Weird. Maybe I will bring in something...hmmm...ANY IDEAS????

Yesterday was my first day, worked 10-5, then walked to the Home Depot and worked 5:30-8:30. On my walk there, I saw Mecca - Louis Vuitton on 5th Avenue...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Bright lights flashed at me!! Some Day soon, i will be able to walk in there and buy me somethin nice.

No real weird encounters as of late...just livin life and enjoying it. Bob came to visit this past weekend, it was a GREAT!!! weekend!!! We did have an experience on the subway with a homeless man whose leg was all gross and smelled soooooooo bad, i thought i was going to die. I just puked a lil in my mouth thinkin about it.

Can you believe I have been here a month now?? I have to tell you all I am happy, very very very happy.

in a few weekends, i get to see my lawschool girls, i am sooo excited for our girls weekend.

then Jenn and I are having a house-warming/my birthday BBQ the first weekend in June- details to come...

then my birthday weekend and I get to see my MA peeps...woo hoo!

I am finally getting somewhat settled. I have put a huge dent in my mounds and mounds of storage totes. I think I only have about 5 left with clothes in it, 3 with shoes, 2 with handbags, and probably about 10-12 with misc, decor, books, etc. Who knows when I am going to finish now that two jobs are taking up all my time, but I will and hopefully soon!!!!

alright back to work...got another 2 hours to put in...then out for some drinks...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Karin in the City .5

Karin in the City .5
Current mood: accomplished

Well I got my first job. I start workin Wednesday!! I am going to be doing a security litigation document review, it is long term and great money!! I am so excited!!

Only bad thing is I got hammered last nite and now I can't find my wallet. Jenn swears it was in her purse when we got home last nite....i need to stop drinking.

however one week's worth of pay will cover my rent for the month! yipee!!! otherwise not much else going on...home sick today, its raining out, still workin on unpacking the apartment and painting. gonna take a nap and then get up and do some stuff.

i love the city...ahh life isnt it grand.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Karin in the City .4

Karin in the City .4
Current mood: cranky

So what this is my 3rd week here in NYC now....I love it. I love walkin to the subway every morning (or jumping on the BX34 bus if i am running late), riding the subway with my headphones on. I love it, one thing I always enjoyed when I lived in the Netherlands was my commute to and from work...it is me time. Time for me to think, time for me to blank out, time for me to read, time for me to make lists of things to do, time for me to talk on the phone (until we go underground and i lose service)...just time, time for ME!

I have met with 3 temp agencies now and have appointments for 2 more. Two have long term temp jobs that they want me to do and the other has been actively calling and looking for me. So, I am expecting to have something soon, hopefully next week....

The Home Depot sucks...some people are finally being nice to me but I am definitely an outsider - meaning blonde hair, white female and the only part time Head Cashier. Some are really nice to me (especially some guys...) but some are down right nasty...oh well being the new girl on the block isnt always easy.

however...in my neighborhood...being the new girl on the block makes for many many many many free drinks at the pub....wow...did i have a lot of beer this weekend and not sure i paid for any of it...also met a judge with one eye that wore a patch...that was cool. he loved me.

i have found myself wandering down park ave, madison ave, lexington ave...it is amazing...i am here. i was in grand central station today just walking through to go to a meeting....funny where lifes twists and turns take you. And I AM HAPPY! I love it here and I am glad I made this decision.
I love walking down to the little market down the block to get milk, i love stopping and getting a slice of pizza on my walk home from work, or stopping and getting coffee and random delis..i love my coffee.
I miss 2609 and all you guys there...extremely, nothing like you guys at all in 6177. nothin at all.
I miss some one in particular, i do get to see him very soon though and i cant wait and the messages he leaves me are enough for now....because he is amazing.
I miss Pammy...wish you were hear and cant wait to see you.
i also miss knowing where all my clothes are....but i guess i never did in Massachusetts either...hopefully on my next days off thurs and sun i will get my bedroom all straightened out...however i did find my sex and the city dvds that i have been searching for, for over a year now.
well, i am sick today, grouchy with a sore throat and my body aches, but despite all that i couldnt be happier. I am off to bed. until next time....when my adventure continues.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Karin in the City .3

Karin in the City .3
Current mood: busy

Alright I have officially been in the City for over a week now! My apartment and unpacking is coming very slowly. Trying to get it done around work....hmmmm....probably will be a year before I get it all done. Just kidding, i think my roomie Jenn would kill me.

So I started the Manhattan Home Depot on Sunday...its different, not bad, but just different. I will be there part time and they brought me in as a regular cashier because the front end supervisor wasnt sure she wanted a part time head cashier...well after what 4 days of working there, she has decided that she wants me to be a part time head cashier. Guess I just kick ass like that or somethin. hahaha. Got my meetings set up with the legal temp agencies and those jobs should be startin soon.

So Monday on my way to work on the Subway, I had a little man get off the train and stand outside the window and blow kisses at me...good times. good times. That day I also had a customer ask me out for coffee...I think he was amazed to see a white girl working there...because I have to tell you I know I am a minority and may be the only younger white female workin there. I turned him down...got someone special right now.....

Yesterday on the subway...long story short...i had a man sitting next to me jacking off....if you want to know the whole story...just ask...but it is NYC, cant expect much else.

For all you Home Depot peeps, the VP of Home Depot was in our store today...big huge deal. Everyone was going nuts! I didnt see him, but he was there wandering around...so maybe I did see him who knows. Everyone there is friendly, but they are not you guys. I had to open today and before the store opened they have an associate meeting and they did the CHEER...but a lil bit different....give me an H, you got your H, your got your H...you get the picture. AND they introduced me as the new transfer from Massachusetts...how fun...NOT. And trust me...as with any new girl that starts at the store...all the guys are fallin all over themselves to help me. PIGS. hahaha

So today at lunch, I took a stroll in the pouring rain turned into snow in April down Park Avenue. Pretty freakin cool....I am here, I am here in the CITY! Where I have wanted to be for a long time now!!! Feels good.

I put some pics up on the page of my new digs out in the Bronx. We are plannin a house warming party for a weekend in mid-May...would love to have all you mass peeps down!!
alright more unpacking to do, crap it is almost 8 and I have done nothing but eat dinner and I got off work at 3:45. grrrrrrrrrr.....unpackin, unpackin, unpackin, unpackin.....gots to do it.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Karin in the City .2

Karin in the City .2
Current mood: drained

Well my stuff is moved down to the City now...got it all packed up friday nite, drove the truck down yesterday and unloaded it all. I planned on being ambitious last nite and get as much unpacked as possible....but a few too many pints of Guiness got in my way and all i got done was setting up my bed (with no sheets because who has a clue where those are???), my table by my bed, my lamp, my alarm clock and a tv and a dvd player sitting on a storage tote....

looks like my work is cut out for me...i got a lot of shit and i didnt realize it...

our neighbors are so awesome, i think everyone on the street came up and introduced themselves, offered help, etc. but i am sure they are going to be a nosey group of peeps and are going to know all of our business!!

well my first official day at the Manhattan Home Depot is today. I have to be there at 2:00. Supposed to work until 7:30 and then back to the apartment for more fun filled unpacking.

I must say i love our neighborhood...totally irish, pubs everywhere and the best litttle delis. i am excited. can't wait for you all to come and visit.

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