Current mood:
I dont know...just stuff....
my head hurts, too much on my mind.
do you find it odd that my 80 year old grandma uses AIM? I do.
i miss my friends (love ya Pam, you kick ass) but I also miss my springfield girls. my heart aches to be with you girls...
why do guys suck so bad sometimes? and why are all the good men taken?
EXCEPT for my FRIEND ROB!!! he is awesome! he doesnt suck at all!!!!! Makes me smile on a daily basis...what will I do with him gone all week!!!
i could really go for some buffalo chicken fingers...why do i always crave them so much? maybe because i didnt have them for like 7 months while i was in europe, so that is all i eat now. Bobby knows all about my chicken finger craving...with a little beer...right Bobby?
we had snow cones at work again today...i had a lot of cherry freakin good! they took the machine back to the rental place more snow cones.
today was so crazy busy at work. why dont they plan the schedule for a holiday? the only time i stepped away from the returns area today was my lunch break and to get snow cones...mmmm SNOW CONES
anyone want to touch my snow cones? PAT??
single..that is what i am....thought maybe i wasnt going to be...but i am...thats me forever and ever and ever SINGLE. oh well, good thing I like myself and that I find myself highly amusing.
Mary finds me amusing one else ever finds us amusing. we never understand this. we think that we are F***ing funny. but everyone always just stares at us.
i wish Mary was a boy. i think she is my soulmate, too bad she doesnt have a penis and that she has boobs. Mary can you have a sex change so I can marry you? Or we can just get marrried here in Mass like we always talk about and still have sex with men? I think that we just need to do it...
i have been on a country music kick lately....i think my roots are coming back to me....GOOD OLE IOWA!! nope...i thought saying that would convince me that i should move back there, but no desire...
GO FIGHTING ILLINI!!! cant wait for March favorite time of the year! ahhh the new polls are out...we moved back into the top 10...#8...not bad, not bad. But Villanova is now I am never going to hear the end of that from Steve...
Tim, if you are reading boys are closing in on your Texas boys (i miss ya a little bit, just so you know)
alright...i have more to say..but no one probably cares and i need to go shopping to get my mom a 50th bday present.....with all the $$ I have, NOT!