My torrid love affair...
with SNOW.
This morning my alarm went off around 6:30am. I though ughhh noooo I will wait until after 7 to get up, even though I had a million things to do this morning.
Then I rolled over and my window shade was slightly open and I looked out and all I saw was BIG HUGE BEAUTIFUL FLUFFY WHITE FLAKES floating magically in the street lights. I immediately sat straight up in my bed and pulled my curtain shade up and sat there mesmerized. I even called a certain someone at this time of morning to tell him that it was SNOWING and sooooo gorgeous.
What a great way to start my day off!! With big huge fluffy white flakes floating down.
I got up, showered, went out at 7am to get my laundry around the corner and I was practically skipping with glee in the big huge flakes. I had on my big gray stocking cap from Jcrew and I was giddy. Now - you all know I am NEVER giddy at 7am in the morning - especially if I am running out to pick up my laundry. I got back home, packed my bag for my weekend trip to Illinois - opened by bedroom window WIDE OPEN and watched the snow fall while I got ready.
If it wasn't for the snow I would probably still be laying in bed going no, no, no don't want to get up and go to work...
But as for my torrid love affair - I always love the first few snow falls...when it is gorgeous fluffy and white. Then I just begin to hate it - hate it everywhere, hate trudging thru it, hate the wetness of it...and then I can't wait for the promise of Spring and warm weather....
I am not there yet it is the middle of January and this is the first snow fall. (which it is already done snowing and no accumulation.)
On another note...I am off to Illinois this weekend. I will be chilling in Champaign with my little cuz Aub and going to the Illini Basketball game tomorrow afternoon with my favorite Uncle Mark. I will also get to see a few other family members....I am excited, tomorrow is Paint the Hall Orange Day - in my bag I have packed on Orange Illini t-shirt, an Orange Illini Sweatshirt, an Orange Illini Jacket, and Orange Sneakers.
I - L - L!!! I - N - I!!!!!!!!!
OH YES - today is also my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of BLOGGING (not my one year of using blogger but of blogging in general!) HAPPY ONE YEAR BLOGGING TO ME!
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