Who am I? and How the hell did I get here...

"She who dies with the MOST SHOES WINS"

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

30's the New 20, right Tee? - New Year, New ME

Well...lets just say that there was no lacking of vodka running through my veins this weekend.

Friday night was Christina's 30th birthday party and she had a night of fun planned (and we had a few surprises for her too). We had dinner at ONE Little West 12 - which is this trendy little lounge in the MeatPacking District. Tina's closest girls all met for dinner at 7:30 - we had a great time and GREAT FOOD and trust me we were all looking hot. However, dinner was rushed because the Limo that Tina rented was picking us up at 9:30 and what she dint know was that we had a BIG surprise for her planned at my apartment on the Upper East Side at 10:15.

So the 10 of us piled into the Limo and bumped our way to the Upper East Side. Seriously that Limo was bumpin from the dancing that was going on inside. (did i mention that we had a bottle of champagne and 2 huge bottles of vodka...)

Our Surprise for Tina were male strippers - knock knock on my door and entered 2 men, who were quickly introduced as friends of mine from law school. Tina was just like huh? why are they here??? Then the dancing started and she quickly realized that they were NOT my friends.
These 2 guys were ridiculous, crazy! I don't think my sofas, kitchen chair, or any of us girls will ever be the same.

After 30 minutes of male stripping and craziness, we all piled back in the limo for more drinks and to head to Queens for the rest of Tina's party. The lounge - Canella - was super cute and tons of Tina's friends and family were there. And the cake that Leyla, Lori and I put together for Tina was there too and super cute.

I was suuuuuuuuuupppppppppppperrrrrr duper drunk...don't remember much from the lounge - only pics and other peoples stories filled the night in for me. (apparently I hit the deck on the dance floor but Steve said I bounced right back up - NICEEE). We partied like the Rockstars that we are - and nothing but the best for my girl Tina - 30's the New 20 - didn't you know?

Trust me Saturday was a tough day...and I didn't get out of bed until after 5pm....but only moved to the sofa...

Sunday NEW YEARS EVE - was crazy fun too...

again another night filled with lots and lots of vodka - Jen and I bought tickets to go to Japonais - a lounge in Union Square. It was open bar from 9pm-4am plus buffet and passed appetizers. We got there at 9pm because we didn't want to stand in line... however it took us forever to get a cab - which we of course knew would happen. NO LINES though and we were in right away, got some prime seating near the bar and started to drink up. After some funny encounters with some guys just released from jail and a New Years Eve kiss from a 23 year old - We made our way to the dance floor.

And there my night was completed...he danced with me all night (not the 23 yr old).

he seems nice...we shall see...

only nice ones in 2007 for me...

otherwise "2 the LEFT" - part of the New ME

Thanx for keeping me dry while trying to catch a cab and

talking to me on the phone until whatever time in the morning listening to my drunk ramblings...

i owe ya...


At Wednesday, January 03, 2007 9:29:00 PM , Blogger Astraeus said...

your new year's eve party sounds swell......
looks like you had a great time....!!!!


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