To One of my best Friends (Keiasha this is for you...)
Our witty banter - the way we can go back and forth and back and forth and it can never end...unless one us has to leave.
I love our friendship. I love how we can sit for hours and say nothing or sit and do the shit like I have posted below for hours...
THANK you for being you and always being there for me.
I miss you so much.
I miss you being a 5 minute drive away.
Just wanted to let you know - even though I know that you know.
This should be read from the bottom up to get the full effect.....
. ![]() ![]() | Jan 9, 2007 11:35 PMDo you realize that people are going to think I am crazy when they see all my comments on your page? And they are going to think you are crazy when they see all your comments on my page?Maybe something like this should be posted: PLEASE SEE KARIN'S PAGE for the OTHER SIDE OF THE CONVERSATION. and then on my page: PLEASE SEE KEIASHA'S PAGE for the OTHER SIDE OF THE CONVERSATION. otherwise people are just going to think we like to have conversations with ourselves about 90210, Alias, STC, and uhhhh blanking uhhhhh uhhhh shit Zach Morris...damn...Saved by the Bell. (shit i am getting old) |


Jan 9, 2007 10:18 PM
definitely diet pills too - see 90210 is great for kids (oh shit wait again there i go - marriage and kids in one nite) anyways if i have them - OR your kids will sit down with Auntie Karin and watch 90210 to learn about life before the are released to the wolves out there....but I think you are referencing:
Jessie Spano - "I'm so excited, I'm so exited, I'm so excited"

Jan 9, 2007 10:16 PM
LOL...and diet pills. Wasn't Donna cracked out on diet pills at some point? Or am I confusing her with Kelly Kapowski?SHE WHO D..

Jan 9, 2007 10:14 PM
"if only to reflect on a time that Tori Spelling had some credibility"I can't even point out how many things are wrong with that statement...HOWEVER - you should be watching it to learn the life lessons that 90210 teaches us about drug use, alcohol abuse, date rape, sex w/out condoms, friendships, playing with guns, marrying mob daughters, etc. etc. etc.
Seriously you can learn some good shit from that show...

Jan 9, 2007 10:11 PM
Damn it I might have to watch that. If only to reflect on a time when Tori Spelling actually had some credibility.SHE WHO D..

Jan 9, 2007 10:10 PM
Soapnet plays reruns of 90210 - can't get enough. Sunday was ALL DAY. I WAS PUMPED.poor poor Dillon....and Kelly...always have horrible problems.

Jan 9, 2007 10:09 PM
Ok I was going to ask if we could wear them at your wedding...but I wasnt going to go there...BUT YES "IF" I ever get married you BIATCHES are wearing the condom dress!

Jan 9, 2007 10:06 PM
Oh one thing I think NO MAN should ever know about me:I have 90210 taped on videocassette seasons 1-6...
only because the might be disappointed that I dont have 7-10. hahahahhaa

Jan 9, 2007 10:07 PM
I can't remember how far we got, but it was probably my fault that we stopped. I don't watch 90210 after Shannen Doherty left.Brenda Walsh 4 Lyfe bitches!!!

Jan 9, 2007 10:04 PM
I keep saying to myself I need to set up my dvd player in my room so I can watch STC before i go to bed every nite like i use to back in lawschool.HE'S GAY! GAY!
i was thinking about our 90210 marathon that we started and never got thru...what did we get to... like early season 3??

Jan 9, 2007 10:03 PM
Oh hell, Karin's talking marriage? HahahahahahaKeiasha

Jan 9, 2007 10:02 PM
Yeah, I dvr everything thing too.I was thinking of starting a S&TC marathon. It's been too long since I've seen some of those episodes.
I was thinking about "I Heart NY" the other day....when BIG moved to Nappa...and how we all cried like we lost our damn minds.
Yeah, all 4 of us are gay, gay, gay.

Jan 9, 2007 10:01 PM
I had to pull the condom dress out of the kills me... if i get married you guys will be wearing this as a bridesmaid dress...just a forewarning...
More Pics @

Jan 9, 2007 9:57 PM
well you know i am never home butGilmore Girls
Brothers and Sisters
Ugly Betty
The Closer
Family Guy
thats about all those... i miss alias and STC so bad.

Jan 9, 2007 9:55 PM
Funny as hell. Between the capris and Sloane's insane Ahhhh, good times.What do you watch now?

Jan 9, 2007 9:53 PM
Ok I just laughed out loud at that - everyone (the 2 people here) stared at me -BUT WHO THE HELL GETS TO WEAR CAPRIS IN PRISON??? SERIOUSLY????

Jan 9, 2007 9:52 PM
Awesome. I'm watching Wisconsin play right now.And don't even get me started about our TV shows. Mom got me Season 5 of Alias, and that was depressing to watch too. Remember Irina and her jail capris? LOL

Jan 9, 2007 9:52 PM
Doesn't get easier at all. I got some good girl friends here. BUT there is nothing like you 3.... nothing.i could definitely just kick back on the black pleather couch with a mich ultra in hand watch some alias or STC and eat some cheesey poofs and oreos. damn gurl. damn.

Jan 9, 2007 9:49 PM
Damn. A flirtini sounds so good right now. And so does Sophs. I never thought I'd miss that place so much.Why isn't the withdrawal getting any easier? Can't believe how much I miss you guys too.

Jan 9, 2007 9:49 PM
I just watched the last episode of STC the other nite...i cried. gay. i am.
OHHH did i tell you that Jan. 20th I will be in Illinois and My FAVORITE Uncle Mark is taking me to the ILLINI v. Wisconsin game with him!!

Jan 9, 2007 9:46 PM
I am sooooo there... oh crap wait - remember Karin is now a true New Yorker - carless.Gotta take the train or bus...
I am still at work.
God I miss you guys.
Sophs? Hot Pockets? Flirtini?

Jan 9, 2007 9:43 PM
God I wanna go out and get drunk right now. Meet you in DC?SHE WHO D..

Jan 9, 2007 9:39 PM
Go Get our Girl!Keiasha

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