Who am I? and How the hell did I get here...

"She who dies with the MOST SHOES WINS"

Monday, December 11, 2006


...my parents (especially mom at christmas time...shopping with my daddy.)

...Payton (my puppy)

...muffin (my best friend and dog for 15 years)

...my brother (who is too busy..)

...you (and you know who you are and i miss you a lot)

...keeks, mary, and linda (who are way too far away)


...law school

...my 2 grandpa's that are not walking this earth anymore (they were 2 of the most honorable, upstanding men i have ever met - why can't more men be like them)

...HOT SNICKERDOODLES made by my mom fresh out of the oven and a huge glass of milk.

...being 6 and having no worries except what santa was bringing me.

...sunday nites with keeks, mary, and linda.

...mary and i's table at soph's and a pitcher of mich ultra right in between us.

....cheezy poofs and double stuffed oreos (and on occasion a LATE nite hot pocket from the Shell Station)

...my really cool cabbage patch kid table and chairs

...watching ABC family all day sunday and a little bit of golf too

...my apartment in THE HAGUE, the Netherlands (everything about living there i miss i cant wait to move back.)

...Greece - the islands, the sea, the sun, the food...everything

Just a few of the things i miss today in my complete utter boredom at work.


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