Cabo make Me Lose my mind Up in Here, Up in Here
aight my long lost blog about cabo...its taken me weeks to get to this. maybe its got something to do with the fact that i have been sick ever since i got back, not sure or just a lot going on.
Tina and I decided it would be a brilliant idea to stay up all nite because the car was picking us up at 4am to get to the airport. So after I got to her place in Queens, we went to the bar below her apartment and drank up!! Then we headed off to the airport. We thought our morning was starting off right because they were able to get us on an earlier flight! (only bad thing was that both of us were overweight on our luggage - but us being smart girls we each had an extra bag and we threw some stuff in those and we were good to go!) We were actually the first people through security it wasn't even open yet when we got there. We boarded our plane and snoozed the whole way to Houston for our layover. We got on our plane in Houston to head to Cabo. Both of us passed out again only to wake up to announcement that we were still on the runway and had to go back to the gate because some guy on our plane got sick. We were like URGGHH just get us to Cabo. We ended up being almost 2 hours later from our original landing time.

We got in a shuttle with a bunch of people that were already drinking and they convinced the guy to stop and get them more beer for the ride to the hotels. Tina and I did not partake - why I don't know! maybe because we just wanted to get there. We got to our hotel finally -which ended up being super cute and nice and close to everything. We settled in and went out to get some dinner and drinks. The first nite we just spent walking the beach and exploring a little bit and we turned in early.

Now day 2 - totally DIFFERENT story - probably the craziest day of our trip. Lets just say that we decided to buy a time share for a condo in cabo that day (my dad kept telling me I needed to own some property for tax deductions - so I thought HEY why not!!), we started drinking at 8am and didnt stop until 4am. We both ended up passed out on the beach sometime in the afternoon, I was puking my guts out on the beach and then chilling in my bikini drunk off my ass with some random guys - one of them bought me a silver bracelet. haha. who knows. I found Tina passed out in a beach chair with her towel over her head. We then ended up taking this crazy ride out to some random beach and after some ridiculous things we got back to our hotel. But NO fear - even though the 2 of us were DDDDDDRUNK and crunked! We showered, got dressed and went out. We went to El Squid Roe and started dancing our asses off. Then Tina spotted some guy that she knew from back in NYC. So we ended up chillin and dancin on tables with them all nite long. That nite and day was ridiculous. We were retarded and we bought a condo.
View from our Condo for a day:

our condo for a day:

Dancin at El Squid Roe on tables:

Day 3 - we both woke up thinking uhhh we just bought a condo - need to cancel that ASAP. So we went down there and got that shit canceled and our money back (well we are still waiting on the money back but it should be coming like tomorrow). After we left Playa Grande where we owned a condo for a day. We took a water taxi out to see the Arch, which was awesome and then we went and laid out all afternoon at Lover's Beach. We then wandered our way back down the main beach, grabbed a bite to eat, watched some half naked guys dance on tables and then headed to the hotel for a nap. After a little nap, we headed to Cabo Wabo, a bar owned by Sammy Hagar, for some eats and to check out the place that EVERYONE talks about. We got in there and EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE in there were GEEZERS! So after a bit, we bounced and headed to another bar Zoo and danced and of course ended up at El Squid Roe for some end of the nite dancin. I guess that nite you could have called us the QUEEN BITCHES of CABO. Because we were not so nice to da men!
The arch:

Lovers beach:

Day 4 - we headed to the beach early in the morning with a cooler full of beer. after laying on the beach for a few hours, we went to Nikki Beach the club that has beds laying on the beach and we snagged a bed and laid out there all day long listening to music and just chillin with some mojitos. That nite we went to this kick ass out door restaurant La Golondrina. Tina had a fabulously huge seafood meal and I had some kick ass chicken. We were soooo stuffed, I mean soooo stuffed that we went back to our rooms popped out buttons on are jeans and passed out into a food comatose until like almost 1am. Then Tina woke me up KAR KAR KAR, lets go out. I was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooo. so we went back to sleep.

Day 5 - we were up early and headed to the beach for breakfast. We sat at a table right on the sand close to the water, drinking 2 for one pina coladas at 9am. Then we headed down the beach to do something I never thought I would ever do. PARA-SAILING!!! I am so super scared of heights!! But we did it tandem and it was a little scary at first but it was so peaceful up there and you could see for miles and miles. It was so AWESOME!! So, glad you made me do it Tee!!! After our kick ass para-sailing, we went to a flea market to do some shopping and then we headed back to the hotel to lounge by the pool for the afternoon. That evening we headed back down to the Marina to board a ship for a sunset booze cruise! We get on the boat and there are like 2 other girls a bit younger than us, 2 older guys, and about 25 guys that are freshman in college. We were like OMG this is going to suck, so we just started kicking back the alcohol. The crew on the ship were awesome - they let the 2 of us drive the boat and we danced our asses off and drank sooooo much. After the booze cruise, we needed food so we headed to Margaritaville and chowed down and of course had margaritas and got serenaded by a mariachi band! After this we stumbled around town from bar to bar to bar, dancing in and out of the bars and we were just ridiculous. Tina almost even convinced herself to get a tattoo that nite and she almost had me convinced to get my 3rd one. Thank god we didn't!! Sometime during all this we found an internet cafe and checked our emails and myspace accounts for the first time since we got there but we were too drunk to even know what we read! Eventually we found our way home and crashed hard.

Day 6 - I woke up with the worst sinus headache and cold EVER. At first I thought I was hung over, then I realized I was sick. Blowing my nose everywhere, sore throat, coughing, chest hurt soo bad - god it was horrible. So we spent all day laying by the pool and walked down the road to the Trailer Park Cafe for lunch. That nite after laying in the sun all day, we went and had dinner at Ole Ole on the marina and then headed to a latin club and Christina salsa-d her nite away while I sat there blowing my nose all nite!

Day 7 - we woke up walked down to the beach for some pics (and i felt like death warmed over) and then we stopped at Trailer Park again for breakfast. Then we laid by the pool all day until our cab came to wisk us off to the airport. It was sad to leave, I loved cabo - but all I could think about was my bed and how sick I was. YOU know Karin is sick when she is on vacation in a beautiful tropical place and all she can think about is her bed back in NYC in the cold cold cold. The flight home was miserable for me because I felt so bad and in Houston we had about a 45 minute layover, but we had to run through customs, get our luggage, check it back in, go back through security and run to our gate. We made it - but I was wheezing, coughing and thought i might die. (really i am not exaggerating that is how sick i was). I tried to sleep the whole way home so I didn't have to deal with the pain of being sick. When we got back to NYC, I had super shuttle reservations but they told me they wouldn't be there for 90 minutes. It was ONE AM. I was SICK as HELL. TIRED and ANGRY. They finally showed up and I slept the whole next day and was sick for the next two weeks.

Anyways - it took me forever to write this blog. but CABO was AWESOME. We had soooo much fun!! I am so glad Tina and I booked the trip!! We had guac at least 2 times a day - it was a staple in our Cabo diet!!! (we were guac and fockin' the whole time!!)
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