Who am I? and How the hell did I get here...

"She who dies with the MOST SHOES WINS"

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Apartment Hunting in NYC

So it wasn't as bad as what I thought it was going to be when we started out...

When we started we were looking at 3 bedrooms and anything in our price range was either in the ghetto or the size of my walk-in closet in the Bronx. Seriously one 3 bedroom that Jen and I went to look at had 3 rooms that maybe could be bedrooms if ummm you wanted to sleep on the floor - i am not even sure you could fit twin size beds in those rooms. It was crazy.

Then Valerie decided she was going to stay put - so Jen and I started looking at 2 bedrooms. And things started to look up. The first ones we saw were small but livable and in our price range. Then we kept looking at more and more and more but they were brokers that charged an enormous fee however they kept on getting better and better. We finally found one and we put an application in. It was nice and roomy - however it was on the 6th floor and a walk-up. NOT FUN! But we didn't end up getting it because we needed a Guarantor that did not have the same last name as either of us - HUH???? Then we just kept on looking...and we finally found one. It was perfect and there was no fee! We had to pay first, last and security but we were in and accepted. Jen and I were new proud rentees of an apt on the upper east side around 80th and York. We were pumped! The best part was we got the keys the moment we signed the lease so as of Mid-November the place was ours.



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