Weekend in Review (or maybe I should rewind..)

WOW - this weekend was Crazee...i feel like i was in a constant state of motion! And my body is literally still spinning from the absurdity of it all.
Friday nite, I left work at 5:30 - I KNOW EARLY for ME! But I had a Fashion Week Party to be attend at 7pm. When I left the office to meet Jen at her office 10 blocks away it was pouring down rain...by the time I met her I was drenched from head to toe - YES I had an umbrella (but where it ended up at the end of the nite I have no clue...Jen I told you that was going to happen!! - that damn umbrella is either at your apt, or J's apt, or a CAB somewhere in NYC! 2nd cute umbrella lost to the cab wasteland)
Anyhoo - Jen and i ate (at 6pm and just tacos - REMEMBER THIS FOR LATER), scrambled to get ready and met the Boys (Nick, Les, Jacob and Jared) to head to Pacha for the OUT Magazine Party. OUT is a Gay Men's Fashion Mag - and of course Jen and I were out with our Gay Men - AS ALWAYS! They're my boys!
Friday nite, I left work at 5:30 - I KNOW EARLY for ME! But I had a Fashion Week Party to be attend at 7pm. When I left the office to meet Jen at her office 10 blocks away it was pouring down rain...by the time I met her I was drenched from head to toe - YES I had an umbrella (but where it ended up at the end of the nite I have no clue...Jen I told you that was going to happen!! - that damn umbrella is either at your apt, or J's apt, or a CAB somewhere in NYC! 2nd cute umbrella lost to the cab wasteland)
Anyhoo - Jen and i ate (at 6pm and just tacos - REMEMBER THIS FOR LATER), scrambled to get ready and met the Boys (Nick, Les, Jacob and Jared) to head to Pacha for the OUT Magazine Party. OUT is a Gay Men's Fashion Mag - and of course Jen and I were out with our Gay Men - AS ALWAYS! They're my boys!
Then we were off to Therapy - no silly people not therapy - but the Lounge Therapy - where we chilled for a few hours.
Jen and I decided that NO this would not be the end of the nite so we hopped in another cab zoomed across town and met Val and Becky at Metro 53, after a little bit of dancing and drinking there. We decided WHY NOT go for our FOURTH BAR of the evening and we headed up to Mo's Carribbean. At the door we stopped to flirt with the bouncers for a brief moment and I headed in the door, only to be stopped by someone grabbing my arm - it was one of the bouncers - He said to me I am not letting your friend in. I said HUH? He said I am not letting her in. We were floored - yes she was tipsy but not falling over and he had been flirting with her.....So Jen was furious and I called my friend that was waiting inside for us. We took furious Jen home and tucked her in and called it a nite....ummmm ok a nite...yeah lets say about 4am.....
Saturday, I found my way home at about 3pm. At this point, I decided I am staying in tonite, staying in my jammies, crawlin in bed and watchin a movie. So that's what I did - until about 9:30pm when Val called - she convinced me to shower and come out. So about midnite, I arrived at Mo's yet again and Val and Becky were already covered in men with the free drinks flowing...again I find myself out until after 4am and not home until 3pm.....(OH after Puking my guts out all morning - BECAUSE REMEMBER what i told you above about eating tacos friday nite - WELL THAT WAS ALL I ATE ALL WEEKEND).
I wish I could REWIND and eat something - then maybe the puking wouldnt have happened - NO EATING + MANY VODKA TONICS in KARIN = PUKING
After laying down for a bit on Sunday, I headed out to Queen's to Nick and Les' for dinner - sat down at the table and shoveled everything in sight into my body...mmmm good...love Les' cookin!
Anyways that was my weekend in review - trust me much more exciting and fun in person! (many details left out for the innocent and hearing impaired)
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